Friday, March 19, 2010

Autoposting On Blogger is it Possible?

So guys i have tested out 2 methods of autoblogging and im going to give you my opinion on them.

First off auto blogging with blogger is great, dont expect adsense alone to make you rich. Your going to need to sell, links, PPM, blogpost, CPA, Clickbank, and the whole nine yards.

Method 1
The first method i used was to pre schedule blog post. I would go on ezine copy and paste articles with the source left in, and then i would post youtube videos because they drive traffc and they are still original to some point.

The only problems i found were, any big news about a subject, or new news has to come in late because everything is pre determined.

Also i cant leave it forever. At one point the articles, and videos run out and at one point im going to have to spend more time puting more up, this makes it semi blogging.

This method works great for niches like, forex, health, ect.

Method 2
The second method i did was i took Feed My Inbox, Google Alerts, took a few good blogs, and some current news on my niche and have them sent once a day. This almost makes it look like im blogging.

Problems you will have are, affiliate links in the articles, if you get ad's, updates, bs from google, or feed my inbox it will show up as a blogpost and it will look wierd. Also if unrelated articles show up this is a problem.

Also if some asshole finds this out and found out about your email he might email articles to you promoting his products. Or doing other troll shit that idiots do.

That said i do both methods depending on the niche. For things like video games i would probably do Method 2. But for health i would do method 1.

Tell me what you think, and below tell me the method you are using.

Both methods sounds legit.

Here is what I do when I have time.
Buy a domain, and setup blog.
Dont put anything niche related on it, rather use BlogJet (a tool im in love with, windows app for easy blogging) to keep a journal of cool things I find and think about and discover.

I do this for about a week to two weeks and this seeds my blog with pure original content. which legitimises my domain and throws me off the new site radar, and I might even find myself ranked high quickly for my domain name keywords rather than sandboxed.

Then when I am ready, I stop blogging to the seasoned domain and implement my automation strategy on top of the old content and run game.

Then I move my personal blog to my next project.

My newest plans are to have one central blog that remains my personal blog, but have it non indexable, and then whenever I start to "season" a new domain name I throw BlogSense on it, and hook my "real" blog's feed up to it so my content is distributed there , providing it with original content. At the end of seasoning I will just disconnect from my new blog, and my personal blog will stay in tact for the people who know about it and subscribe via reader, and then I will hook the newly seasoned blog into new content sources.

Repeat cycle as needed.

I think that autobloging works best for micro niches. For instance say i started a blog on a general term like Diets or somthing. That isnt going to work because competition. Thinking small is actually big. I cant compete with the big dogs, not that im not smart enough but i dont have the money, or the time. So i just dominate the small ponds.

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